Monday, February 6, 2012

Sedona Super Bowl

February 5, 2012

First night alone in Sedona.

I am amazed at how much stuff I leave around on counters, floors and any flat surface (as Kathy likes to say). My “better person” list now also includes shutting cabinet doors, the microwave,door, garage door and putting chairs back under the table.

Went to the local bar to watch the Superbowl. I was hoping for a blow-out so I could get home early. No, It ended up coming down to the last play. The good news – I sat at the bar with a couple who had just moved to Sedona. We ate chicken wings and told each other our stories. They have invited me over supper later this week. Turns out they are at hole 16 on the golf course. He goes up to flag each day on a construction project. Some people I know from Facebook also saw from a FB post that I was in town and invited me over for dinner. Just saying about Facebook.

Yes, Pache slept in the bedroom last night, not in the kennel. She barked at me twice for twitching around in my sleep. Seems the dog expects me to settle quietly into sleep and not disturb her.

Today on the 7:30 am walk around the golf course Pache and I happened on the doggy party tee. People who regularly walk their dog gather at a place on the golf course to let their animals play. Pache loved it. I felt like a young parent again at the park watching my kindergarten child play on the toys. I worried the whole time that Pache would start humping another dog, however.

Watching the Superbowl in a bar makes hearing the game impossible. The crowd noise muffles the sound. I could not hear the game, commercials or the half-time show. Here is my take. Clint Eastwood seemed serious about something and did his old trick of putting half his face in a shadow. It was the best visual of the night.
Madonna does not prance like she used to and her show looked like a Las Vegas interpretation of an Olympics opening ceremony. She still rocked my world. I did see the “finger” from that nice young girl. Mostly, I felt like it was 1990 again – everyone searching for a happier time. The ad visuals now are edited so tight it is like ice skating on content contest. You must learn to speed skate even before you can watch a commercial. Our brains are on an emotional slip and slide. And yes, they work much better when we don’t know what is going on.

Football is still compelling with only intermittent commentary. The bar ended up being a great setting for watching without really hearing. No wonder a sports bar is so much fun. A whole new commentary emerges that is more visceral and community. Ain’t it grand that people no longer can smoke in so many bars. I actually had a good time again in a bar.

1 comment:

KD said...

So the pieces are falling into place: the golf course pals for the dog; social life for the guy; and atmosphere out the whazoo to fuel the soul!!! Pretty great stuff....
LOVED the announcement about "items on flat surfaces/open doors" making it to the "better person list"!!! NOW we have _progress_!! :-))))
Even more, your focus on some internal sources of creative fuel is without the challenge of the "wintry mix" facing the Plains at some point soon. Be advised: As you contemplate red rocks, vistas, streams, others may be saying to themselves - BEACH!!! All will turn out well. 'til the next post....